Dienstag, 14. August 2012

A king there once was reigning,
Who cherished a great big flea;
No little love attaining,
As his own son loved he.
He called his tailor hireling,
The tailor to him flew:
"Ho, measure now the squireling
For coat and breeches too."
In silk and velvet splendid
He now was always dressed,
By ribbons gay attended,
A cross upon his breast.
Was minister created,
A mighty star did sport;
Then all his kin, elated,
Became great lords at court.
Lord, lady, and dependent
Were plagued and sore distressed;
The queen and her attendant
Were bitten by the pest.
And yet they dared not whack them
Nor scratch by day or night.
We smother and we crack them
Whenever we feel them bite.

Chorus (shouting)
We smother and we crack them
Whenever we feel them bite.

"Sein eigener Geist sei mit ihm und lasse ihn glücklich sein: ohne Gott, ohne Freund und ohne Tugend."
Ein Pamphlet der Gegner führte den Titel: "An die Sudelköche in Weimar".
Als Ulrike Levetzow einmal gefragt wurde, warum sie sich nicht verehelicht habe, gab sie zur Antwort: "Nach Goethe erschienen mir alle anderen Männer langweilig."